How Old Do You Need to Be to Invest in Stocks

How Old Do You Need to Be to Invest in Stocks?

Have you ever seen your dad scrolling through the phone and watching the news of a stock market skyrocketing and earning a good profit?

Maybe you even wished you could have been a part of that action!

The stock market offers the chance to own a piece of exciting companies and potentially watch your money grow.

But before you download a trading app, there’s a crucial question that you have to ask yourself: Am I eligible to invest in the stock market?

It, just like you can’t drive a car until you’re 16 (in most places!), there are age restrictions for investing in the US stock market.

So today, we will share this guide with you as a roadmap to explain the minimum age to invest and explore options for the younger folks who still have that investing itch.

So buckle up and get ready to learn the exciting world of stocks, no matter your age!

Minimum Age to Invest

In most states, The minimum age to open a standard brokerage account and invest independently in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other securities is 18 years old.

Do you know why? Because it boils down to a simple concept: contracts. Plus, minors are generally considered to lack the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts, which is necessary for opening investment accounts.

When you buy stock, you enter a legal agreement with the company. You agree to give them your money in exchange for a share of ownership, and they will share their profits (dividends) with you. In the US, to be legally able to enter into binding contracts, you need to be an adult – which means reaching the age of 18.

This age requirement makes sense. Financial markets can be complex and volatile. Having the maturity and legal capacity to understand the risks involved before putting your hard-earned money on the line is crucial.

But there’s also good news: even if you are not 18 yet, there are still many ways to get involved and learn about investing.

Keep reading. We will tell you about it in the next section!

Are There Any Investment Options For Minors Under 18?

While, as a minor, you cannot directly open and manage your investment accounts, several options are available for you to start investing with the guidance and supervision of an adult.

Custodial Accounts (UTMA/UGMA)

Custodial accounts, such as the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) and the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA), allow an adult (typically a parent or guardian) to open and manage an investment account on behalf of a minor child. The minor owns the assets in the account. Still, the adult custodian is responsible for making investment decisions and ensuring that the funds are used for the minor’s benefit until the child reaches the age of majority, typically 18 or 21, depending on the state.

Joint Brokerage Accounts

Joint brokerage accounts enable an adult and a minor to co-own the account and its investments. The adult can be a parent, guardian, or any trusted individual. Both parties can make investment decisions, allowing the minor to actively participate in the investment process while being guided by the adult co-owner.

Investment Clubs/Programs for Minors

Several investment platforms and financial institutions offer specialized programs or accounts for minors to learn about investing. These programs often include educational resources, simulated trading environments, and the opportunity to invest with parental supervision or guidance. Examples include the Fidelity Youth™ Account and the Acorns Early custodial account.

Benefits of Early Investment Exposure (Even for Minors)

Introducing minors to investing at an early age can provide numerous benefits:

  • Compounding Power: Starting to invest at a young age allows compounding to work its magic over a more extended period, potentially resulting in significantly higher returns in the long run.
  • Financial Literacy: Early exposure to investing concepts and practices can help minors develop financial literacy, fostering responsible money management habits that can benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Risk Tolerance: With a longer investment horizon, minors can afford to take on more risk in their portfolios, potentially leading to higher returns over time.
  • Hands-on Experience: Participating in investment decisions, even under adult guidance, can provide valuable hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of financial markets.

Best Tools to Learn about the Stock Market

To facilitate learning about the stock market and investing, various educational tools and resources are available:

Online Stock Market Games

Platforms like the Investopedia Stock Market Simulator, The Stock Market Game, and HowTheMarketWorks offer simulated trading environments for learning purposes.


Several books specifically target younger audiences, such as “I’m a $hareholder Kit: The Basics About Stocks—For Kids and Teens” and “Growing Money: A Complete Investing Guide for Kids.” They are available at your nearby bookstore, or you can buy them from Amazon.

Investment Classes

Online platforms like Investopedia, Morningstar, and Khan Academy offer free investment classes and educational content suitable for all ages.

Considerations & Responsibilities

While investing at a young age can be beneficial, it is crucial to approach it responsibly:

Risk Tolerance

Minors and their adult supervisors should carefully assess their risk tolerance and invest accordingly, avoiding overly risky or speculative investments.

Investment Objectives

Clearly defined investment objectives, such as saving for education or retirement, can help guide appropriate investment strategies.

Parental Guidance

For minors, parental or adult guidance is essential to ensure responsible investment decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.


Diversifying investments across different asset classes can help mitigate risk and promote long-term growth.


While the minimum age to independently invest in stocks is typically 18 years old, there are various options available for minors to start investing under the guidance and supervision of an adult. Exposing children and teenagers to investing early can provide numerous benefits, including the power of compounding, financial literacy, and hands-on experience.

However, it is crucial to approach investing responsibly, with a clear understanding of risk tolerance, investment objectives, and the guidance of knowledgeable adults. By leveraging the available resources and tools, minors can embark on their investment journey early, setting themselves up for long-term financial success.

Also, you can follow ABBO News to stay updated with the stock market!